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Enhancing efficiency with SAP Data Quality Assessment By albertbrice at 2010-12-05 23:58:43
Any company that uses SAP enterprise resources planning (ERP) has invested a significant amount in terms of human resources as well as financial. The best way to get the most of your SAP applications is to ensure that there is no duplication of entries. What is entered has to be accurate and in accordance with the format designed. It also has to be consistent with the master data.
SAP Data Quality Assessment will help you create a higher standard of quality for your master data. The set up will help you identify as well as measure, and monitor important data quality metrics for all your SAP related material. This includes customer as well as vendor based master data. SAP Data Quality Assessment helps designated data stewards and architects find and rectify data quality based issues problems in a SAP ERP system much before they snowball into a problem that affects an entire information chain.
The features that it contains are the ability to identify as well as measure and monitory SAP master data quality. You will be shown means in which your data can be improved. It will help you establish primary data quality metrics as well as targets. The software will help you define, specifically with your company in mind, the basis of data quality. SAP Data Quality Assessment locates inactive master data as well as multiple copies of the same thing. It prevents this from bringing down the quality of your system. The software also allows you to give yourself a data score. This is located at the record level and not at the field one. It also takes care of constantly monitoring your data which is extremely important.
Some of the other benefits are the prevention of duplication of entries as well as their authenticity and accuracy. It provides data architects and stewards with a clear vision on what needs to be worked on. Large companies require to depend on high quality SAP master data software in order to function smoothly.
Anchor computer software is the exclusive united states reseller for sap data quality solutions, and ncoa link solutions that are certified for use with the mysap™ business suite.
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